Change to how we list RFB Arms & Legs


If you've ordered RFB Arms & Legs together in the past and now the link in your order history doesn't seem to go anywhere, don't freak out. We haven't gotten rid of the packaged item. We're changing a couple of things in our database to deal with stock management issues.

In the past we had RFB arms, RFB legs, and RFB arms & legs as 3 separate products. So if someone ordered some RFB legs, but not the arms, it didn't alter the quantity of RFB Arms & Legs sets that were still in the database. That's obviously silly, and it did lead to us over selling a few times because the system said we still had stock. 

The new system we're using allows us to actually create product bundles, and these bundles are listed on the pages for each of that bundle's constiuent parts if you just scroll down a little. like so.


Moving forward, anything that comes in a bundled form will eventually be moving to this system as well, such as full suits of armour.

It also allows us to create suitable packages to suit our new Epic Circle sets, beginners packages, and even starter kits for people that want to start their own LARP groups.

We apologise for any confusion or consternation this may have caused.

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