We have updated our website software with the most recent security updates.
Unfortunately, that has caused some conflicts with 3rd party modules we have had hand coded for local services.
Unfortunately, that has caused some conflicts with 3rd party modules we have had hand coded for local services.
Zippay is currently unavailable, but will be back soon.Courier Integration
This module is currently deactivated. While it still presents as an option during checkout, it cannot be selected and will default to Pick Up.
If you are outside of Melbourne we are going to assume you want it sent, and will manually calculate shipping during business hours and then send you a bill for the cost of the courier using PayPal via email.
If you are outside of Melbourne we are going to assume you want it sent, and will manually calculate shipping during business hours and then send you a bill for the cost of the courier using PayPal via email.
You do NOT need a PayPal account to pay this bill, PayPal Australia has credit and debit card processing facilities.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.